Multimedia Technologies and Digital Televisiion


The objective of the study program, the specialized vocational studies in Multimedia technology and digital television, is to establish vocational electric and IT engineering – specialists in the field of multimedia technologies and digital television. The program has been arranged on the basis of the heights European standards for education of professionals in the above-mentioned field. The outcome of the learning process is in the training of the students specifically for performing tasks of in the field of production and post-production multimedia technology and digital television.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Applied Studies, with its partners from Europe, made its study program Multimedia Technologies and Digital Television, within the TEMPUS project no. 517022-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR.

Objectives of the Multimedia technology and digital television specialists’ studies are to:

  • translate general, as well as professional knowledge, develop creative capabilities and qualified mastering of specific practical skills in the field of multimedia technology and digital television
  • integrate basic technical, IT and artistic knowledge in accordance to the needs of manufacturing, educational and service vocations from the above mentioned fields
  • qualify for the works in the public and private sector
  • qualify for the team work and work in the multicultural environment