Audio and Video Technologies


Study program Audio and video technologies at School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is a unique study program of the vocational studies with the above mention orientation existing in the region. Study program Audio and video technologies forms skilled electrical and IT engineers for audio and video technologies, which will be able to be topped up from technologies used in the field of sound and pictures, in other words training practical work in the field and further skilled training. After graduation from the study program Audio and video technologies, wide spectra of vacations is offered, “all television related”, Internet and studio operations and similar.

Objectives of the Audio and video technologies, to:

  • translate knowledge and skills in the field of audio and video technique
  • integrate basic technical, IT and artistic knowledge in accordance to the needs of manufacturing, educational and service vocations in the field of audio and video techniques
  • qualify for the works in the public and private sector
  • qualify for the team work and work in the multicultural environment
  • qualify for further training in the field